Rules of Relationships

Using suggestions from the internet, books, friends and of course from ourselves, we have compiled a list of rules that should/could be followed during a relationship. There were however, far too many so we have chosen the select few that we believed were the most important.

Rule number 1: Be honest.

Rule number 4: Actually make an effort.

Rule number 6: You will not find true love when you are both drunk.

Rule number 7: Wait one month before you should say I love you.

Rule number 8: No heavy petting in public.

Rule number 9: Do not share excessive details about your past.

Rule number 10: If you are not getting something you need, simply ask for it.

Rule number 17: Bro’s before Hoe’s.

Rule number 19: Be the shoulder to lean on, no matter what.

Rule number 20: Do not cheat.

Rule number 23: Never go to the back of a cinema on a first date.

Rule number 24: Do not be a slut on the first date.

Rule number 26: Compromise is crucial.

Rule number 27: Do not let yourself go.

Rule number 28: Do not be afraid to have tough conversations.

Rule number 29: Learn to forgive without holding grudges.

Rule number 37: There are only two people in your life you should lie to… the police and your girlfriend.

Rule number 38: Be spontaneous with your affections.

Rule number 39: Remember to have fun.

Rule number 44: Do not put more than two kisses on the end of a text.

Rule number 45: Do not place your partner on a pedestal.

These rules are not rules that everyone will follow, some people may not agree with any of them. Some are serious, and some are comical. What we wanted to do was create a sense of what we believe should and should not happen within a relationship. These are our initial ideas. Perhaps there is a story behind each of these rules, this is something we aim to develop throughout our devising process.