Song Writing: The reasons to love me and reasons to stay away.

Towards the beginning of our rehearsal process, when we were collecting writing material, we set ourselves the challenge of writing a list each. The list was to be split into two sections, one being reasons why someone should love you and one being why someone should stay away. We shared these lists with each other in a rehearsal and all picked the lines and sections which we wanted to make into a script. After some deliberation, we then decided that the lists could be made into a song. As I have had some experience song writing before, I nominated myself to be the writer and I compiled the lists together and wrote a melody.

I was inspired by the kind of songs that feature in stand up comedy and I wanted to portray the same clever style. I looked particularly at the work of Tim Minchin.

Once the song was finished I worked with the musical directors Gabby and Jozey to put together the accompaniment and then it was decided that Jozey will play her ukulele in the performance and Lauren will sing the song the song with me. We have allocated the sections of the song in terms of which lines refer more to which singer.

The song:

Reasons to love me song

Work Cited:

Tim Minchin (2010) You grew on me [online video] Available from [Accessed 10 April  2014].